ILM Level 5 in Coaching and Mentoring

ILM Level 5 Certificate in Coaching and Mentoring


Who the programme is designed for:


  • This five day programme is the ideal qualification if you have significant responsibility for coaching and mentoring as part of your day-to-day role.
  • They are also designed to develop you if you are planning to move into a development role or start a career as a freelance coach and mentor.


Benefits for you:

  • Get a critical understanding of the role and responsibilities of the workplace coach and mentor
  • Deepen your understanding of how coaching and mentoring can impact an organisation.
  • Be able to assess your own skills, behaviours and knowledge as a coach and mentor
  • Provide evidence of your own development as a coach and mentor through the qualification and plan your further development
  • Plan, deliver and review coaching and mentoring in your organisation.
  • Gain a degree level equivalent qualification that is internationally recognised
  • Ensure the managers you develop as coaches or mentors are properly equipped with the skills, knowledge and ethical understanding they need.

Benefits for the organisation:

  • Ensure the managers you develop as coaches or mentors are properly equipped with the skills, knowledge and ethical understanding they need
  • Develop a coaching and mentoring culture in your organisation, so that managers are able to provide effective support for the development of others and improve their performance


  • Unit 1: ‘Understanding the skills, principles and practice of effective management coaching and mentoring’ aims to enable you to understand the role and contribution of coaching and mentoring, and build a business case.
  • Unit 2: ‘Reviewing own ability as a management coach or mentor’ aims to develop your ability to critically review your own personal qualities, skills and competence.
  • Unit 3: ‘Developing your practice’  requires you to demonstrate your ability to plan, deliver and review at least 12 hours of coaching and mentoring in the workplace.
  • For the Diploma, the final unit is an extended 100 hours of coaching and mentoring, with multiple clients, and there is an added focus on using supervision and reflective review to develop individual practice.