‘Action learning is an approach to individual and organisational learning. Working in small groups known as ‘sets’, people tackle important organisational or social challenges and learn from their attempts to improve things.’ (Pedler & Abbott 2013)
What we do
Action learning training.
Action learning consultancy – programme design and implementation to support individual, group and organisational development.
The ‘wicked’ challenge
The challenges our organisations , communities and leaders face are often complex in nature and have no clear or obvious right or wrong answer. These ‘wicked’ problems* carry high levels of uncertainty and although we may try to solve them this way, they cannot be sustainably and easily solved through the application of the traditional managerial tools of rational planning. Instead they require high levels of collaboration, experimentation and deliberate risk-taking.**
Why use action learning?
The capacity of managers and leaders to make the best decisions to address these ‘wicked problems’ depends on the supply of good questions flowing up from those engaged in tackling the tasks, challenges and problems of the business.
We recognise the potential that organisations’ diverse social systems has learn and innovate together by working in small groups to tackle important organisational issues or problems and learning individually and collectively from their attempts to change things.
‘The trainers’ knowledge, skill and experience created a stimulating, immersive and safe space to experiment and be open. I learned so much during the three days which I’m using regularly and would highly recommend this course.’ – Social Work Development Lead
‘Having heard and read about action learning over many years, I have recently had the chance to be a member of an action learning set and train as a facilitator. I’ve been struck by way it helps us look at knotty situations, through the combined efforts and commitment of group members. With some simple yet powerful techniques we have enabled lots of learning to take place for all – for the person with the problem, the others in the room and for our whole organisation as well. ‘ – Peter, Service Manager
‘With the support and challenge of peers in the safe space of this course, I have been able to move forward with my more immediate problems and make progress on those longer-term issues that have followed me for years. I have been impressed by the profound impact being in an action learning set has had on me and on the other members.’- Senior Manager
Action Learning Training

We provide three ILM Recognised programmes to form a linear, progressive, learning and development pathway.

Programme Overview:
We understand that for the full potential for action learning to be reached, we must first start with ourselves. We must start by developing a robust personal understanding of what it means to be an action learning practitioner; to have first-hand experience of using action learning techniques to support our own and other’s development.
This programme is designed to do just that by providing participants with a robust introduction to action learning practices and insight into its unique benefits for personal and peer development
Programme Aims
Establish a self-facilitated action learning sets to support a community of practice.
Provide opportunities for you to support own and other’s leadership, reflective practice and collaborative learning skills.
Develop your capacity to manage your own learning and development.
Learning Outcomes
Understand the history or action learning and its key concepts and principles.
Discuss and critique action learning theory and practice.
Appraise own and other’s action learning practice.
Support self and group to effectively participate in an action learning set.
Understand the value of action learning to support leadership development, reflective practice and collaborative learning
Eight, half-day modules
Average completion time – two to three months

Programme Overview
This ILM Recognised programme is designed to follow on from our ‘Introduction to Action Learning’ programme to focus on the in-set facilitator and action learning programme design roles.
It will further develop participants knowledge and skills relating to the facilitation of action learning sets and the negotiation for, and design of an action learning programme within an organisation.
Programme Aims
Apply appropriate knowledge and techniques to enhance your action learning facilitation skills with individuals, teams and large groups.
Develop your capacity to manage your own learning and development as an action learning facilitator.
Plan and prepare an action learning programme to last a minimum of 12 hours.
Learning Outcomes
Explain the role of a facilitator in an action learning programme
Facilitate an action learning set Design an action learning programme
Develop an action learning programme evaluation plan
Demonstrate action learning facilitation methods within an action learning set.
Appraise own and other’s action learning practice.
Critique action learning theory and practice.
Eight, half-day modules
Average completion time – two to three months

Programme Overview:
This ILM Recognised programme is designed to follow on from our ‘Foundation in Action Learning Facilitation programme’. The key focus of this programme is the continuation of the programme design and organisational learning roles of the action learning facilitator.
This Advanced Practitioner programme will further develop participants knowledge and skills relating to the facilitation of action learning sets and the negotiation for, and design of an action learning programme within an organisation.
Programme Aim
To implement an action learning programme plan by facilitating an intervention lasting a minimum of twelve hours and apply advanced action learning knowledge and techniques to support leadership development and organisational learning.
Learning Outcomes
Implement an action learning design
Evaluate an action learning programme to identify development objectives
Demonstrate advanced action learning facilitation knowledge and skills
Appraise own and other’s action learning practice.
Apply critical action learning skills.
Critique action learning theory and practice.
Eight, half-day modules
Average completion time – six to ten months
Action Learning Consultancy
We will work closely with you to help clarify your challenges and design a bespoke action learning programme to best suit your organisation’s requirements and capacity. Our focus is always on organisational learning and we will design an approach which takes the learning from the sets into the wider organisation and community.
We develop capacity in people and organisations by helping them become facilitators of innovation and collaboration in their workplaces. However, we do provide both introductory courses and accredited qualifications in action learning facilitation.
Here are some of ways we can use action learning methodologies with you
Develop professional confidence and competence
Develop leadership skills confidence and competence
Develop team relationships and performance.
Improve existing training programmes
Innovate new services of ways of working
Develop collaborative learning systems
Implement a new strategy or achieve change programme goals
Embed new practices or cultures.
Embed learning into an organisation.