The challenge
Effective and inspiring leadership is a requirement for all those involved in managing the organisation or system. Organisations typically invest a lot of resources in developing their leaders, yet the organisational context is not always conducive to releasing individuals’ ability to lead. Today’s leaders are facing ‘wicked problems’* that demand a collaborative distributed leadership style that action learning supports.**
What we do
By using action learning as the foundation to our accredited leadership courses and continuous professional development programmes we enable the organisation to understand what leadership it needs and develop its own leadership culture by integrating leadership behaviours throughout its social systems.
Why creating a leadership culture is important
Trust underpins effective working relationships and the more a colleague, manager or team member is trusted, the greater the likelihood they will co-operate, share information and work effectively together. Large organisations have been shown suffer most in terms of trust and the public sector is suffering a ‘trust shortfall’ compared to private and third sector organisation’s. Organisation’s wishing to establish or improve trust can do so by focusing on the five fundamentals of openness, communication, decision-making, integrity and competence *** With action learning at its core, our following accredited courses and continuous professional development focus on developing these 5 fundamentals throughout the organisation.
We provide the following training programmes
One day and short courses in leadership and management
Accredited ILM Levels 3 to 5 qualifications in Leadership and Leadership & Management
Bespoke leadership and CPD programmes to meet you and your organisation’s development needs.
Please get in touch so that we can arrange a time to discuss how we can provide a leadership programme that best suits you and your organisation’s needs
CIPD 2013c, (2014) **Pedler and Abbott (2013) *** ILM (2014) ***

Related Case Studies
‘I do feel that undertaking the leadership course was somewhat instrumental in seeking out a new and more senior role as it provided me with the opportunity and tools to think more critically about my role, to appreciate the skills I had and to further develop myself in areas in which I was not as strong. This is an ongoing journey and I will need to continue to challenge myself and my development within my new role.’ – Social Work Team Manager
‘The provocative thoughts, questions and comments enabled me to think differently about the problem and how I could take actions away to address the concern. I wouldn’t have had space to consider the problem in depth or delve deeper into possible solutions if it weren’t for the support and challenge offered in the action learning set. The set also helped me learn my own role in the problem and also in ensuring that I would take my learning away to act on solutions.’ – Manager